Best Remote Control Vibrators

Whether it’s Bluetooth, remote control or WiFi-enabled, having a sex you that can be controlled by a partner adds a fun twist on intimacy. Here’s the list of the best remote vibrators on the market.


Okay so imagine this — you and your partner are sitting down to dinner at a nice restaurant. You’re looking fantastic, they’re wearing that shirt you like. You’re both having so much fun and looking so good that you just know other diners around you can’t help but be a little envious. 

During a brief lull in the conversation and laughter, a sensation begins to take hold, emanating from deep within you. It begins as a flutter, like ripples from a pebble on a clear glass pond tickling against your midsection. As your partner registers the growing delight on your face, they give you a wry grin as those sensations increase to a deep throb. You nearly lose yourself in the sensations and forget your surroundings as the feeling builds to a crescendo, abating suddenly when the waiter comes by to top up your wine glasses.

That’s when your partner decides to power down the remote.

This is an example of the unexpected, spontaneous fun that can be had with a remote control sex toy and a mischievous partner. To those reading this right now, you no doubt already own a trusty vibrator (or a few of them) that you turn to for self-pleasure. Perhaps you even incorporate them into your foreplay and lovemaking. However, a new crop of remote-controlled sex toys promises even more diverse pleasures, whether they’re solo or shared.

There are a couple of different types of sex toy controlled remotely, and they include:


Remote-controlled toys can work with Bluetooth connectivity or infra-red (like your TV remote) to allow a partner across the room to control sensations. Toys that use remote controls are great for sensual encounters when both partners are in the same room (like most of the time), and for that purpose they more than do the trick.

When shopping for a toy with an included remote control, things to consider are the allowed range (the distance the remote can be from the toy without drop-offs in function) and the simplicity of the button layout. It’s the worst when your flow is interrupted by an unresponsive remote or a partner who can’t figure out the button combinations.


There are also app-enabled toys that allow for even greater control as well as the ability for a partner to use and activate the toy from a whole other continent. Using an app allows for even greater distance between partners, perfect for long-distance relationships that require steamy Skype sessions. Some sex toy apps will let you design your own vibration patterns, meaning if you or your partner are feeling creative, you can literally create your own pleasures.

So before taking the plunge and plonking down your hard-earned cash on one, first get to know which functionalities will suit you best and choose from our favorite remote-control sex toys currently on the market.

Lyla 2 by LELO

LELO’s egg-like Lyla vibrator can be worn internally, where it rumbles against the G-spot with some surprisingly strong vibrations for such a small toy. While it is inserted, the user or their partner can control the vibration strength or patterns via the included remote control. One nifty feature of Lyla and LELO’s other remote control vibes is that the remotes contain gyroscopes — meaning you can up the intensity just by tilting the controller. The Lyla is great for wearing in public while a partner surprises you with unexpected sensations.

  • STRENGTH 4/5
  • CONTROLS : Remote
  • MODES 8
  • USER TIME: 2hrs
  • CHARGE TIME: 2hrs

Moxie by We-Vibe

We-Vibe’s Moxie clit stim is by far the most playful of this batch of remote-controlled pleasure items. It’s specifically designed for some spontaneous partner play, worn inside of your underwear and held in place with a strong magnet (like a magnetic lapel pin). You can wear it under a skirt or pants discreetly while you hand the controls to your partner and then you can make up the rest!

Moxie, like We-Vibe’s other remote-controlled vibrators, includes both a remote control as well as an app, meaning it’s useful for one-on-one, in-person play as well as some long-distance teasing.

  • STRENGTH 3/5
  • CONTROLS : Remote and App
  • MODES 10
  • USER TIME: 2hrs
  • CHARGE TIME: 90mins

Sync by We-Vibe

The Sync is a wearable sex toy in the classic We-Vibe mold, designed to be worn over the clitoris and against the G-spot while it hums away with some very deep & rumbly vibrations. This design is meant to pleasure both partners during sex and comes with a remote control for mode and intensity adjustments while you’re in the clinch with your lover. It also comes with the ability to connect via app, making it a great long-distance lust item as well.

  • STRENGTH 5/5
  • CONTROLS : Remote and App
  • MODES 10
  • USER TIME: 90mins
  • CHARGE TIME: 2hrs

Tiani 3 by LELO

We-Vibe may have been the first brand to come out with the wearable, shareable vibrator, but LELO followed shortly after and did so with style to spare. The Tiani 3 is also worn in and on the vagina, stimulating the clitoris and the G-spot, while leaving room for a male partner to enter. While the Tiani 3 doesn’t provide internal vibrations, it has that gorgeous and easy-to-use remote control that can be adjusted by tilting and moving.

  • STRENGTH 4/5
  • CONTROLS : Remote
  • MODES 8
  • USER TIME: 2hrs
  • CHARGE TIME: 2hrs

b-Vibe by Lovehoney

The b-Vibe is an interesting take on the butt plug that not only vibrates against the prostate of the wearer, but contains a row of beads at the base that can rotate to provide a ‘rimming’ sensation at the same time. With the remote control (which is a perfect addition for a butt plug), you can control vibrations and rotations independently for an even wider range of experiences. Note: the b-Vibe is rechargeable, but information on charge and usage time wasn’t readily available at time of writing.

  • STRENGTH 3/5
  • CONTROLS : Remote
  • MODES 7
  • USER TIME: ??

Wand by We-Vibe

We never would have thought so, but including a remote control with a wand vibrator is the innovation we didn’t know we needed. Most of the time using a wand is spent actually holding it in your hand, which would make the idea of a remote control moot, no? Well, we were very wrong in that thinking — laying the wand on the bed and straddling it; squeezing it between your thighs, these are also incredibly satisfying ways to wand. Besides, having a partner control the extra-strong sensations from another room or even another country via app is a novel twist on the traditional wand vibrator.

  • STRENGTH 10/5
  • CONTROLS : Remote and App
  • MODES 8
  • USER TIME: 2hrs
  • CHARGE TIME: 90mins